Greys Avenue Commemorative Event

A moving farewell event took place on 19 February 2023, to mark the end of an era. After fifty-five years on Greys Ave the Auckland Hebrew Congregation has moved on to a new site in Remuera in order to better cater to the needs of its growing community. The theme ‘L’dor v’dor’, ‘from generation to generation’, expressed the sentiment of the evening as members shared memories, shed a few tears and expressed optimism for the future.

Scroll down to read speeches by Bob Narev, David Nathan, Rachel Schanzer and John Barnett.

Click on the images below to read the respective speeches.

Speech by
Bob Narev

Farewell Greys Avenue

Speech by
Rachel Schanzer

John Goldwater Architect: Our Father

Speech by
David Nathan

LD Nathan’s Vision and Leadership

Speech by
John Barnett

Memories and Community

Speech by
Michael Stiassny

A New Beginning

Images courtesy of Perry Trotter Photography


Jewish traveller to the South


Greys Avenue 1967-68